Thursday, August 12, 2010

Water Baby

IMG_6068The Boy loves to swim. Maybe he’ll be a swimmer. I so miss having easy access to nice pools. We’ve been checking out the local public pools to try and combat the heat and because it’s one of Lincoln’s favorite things to do. Yesterday we found one that was alright. I guess I’ve been spoiled in the past. I’m not used to having to pay every time, sit on on the cement (no lawn chairs) and feel afraid to use the bathrooms. It was so fun in C-ville to have a nice pool right outside our apartment.

What else occupies our time? Practicing walking and throwing balls.


Grandpa Mike said...

Thanks Cheryl

Lincoln is so cute but also a real jock. His left hand really delivers a fast ball. Looks like he will be walking before Sawyer or whoever arrives. I am very excited. Only 3 weeks to go!

Love Dad

DC Diva said...

First of all...

Dad figured out how to not be "anonymous"?! This may be a bigger deal than Lincoln walking.

Second, I'm so glad he still kicks his legs like a maniac.

Third -- what an arm! And the way he follows the balls with his eyes and stops them. Great hand eye coordination! I think he and Anderson will have a lot of fun playing together in a few weeks.

Mom said...

So glad you posted this. I am really excited to play ball with Binks in a few weeks!

Ali Snow said...

His walking is a little shaky. Wendy, are you going to visit after Baby H. comes? Wish I could be there. Lincoln is cuters!

mccall said...

I know, the pools here are horrendous! Are lawn chairs really too much to ask for? Even grass might be better than freaking cement.

Yes, we are still planning on going to Erie. You guys should come!

Laurel said...

He is adorable! Bummer about the pools.