Welcome to our home! I have loved decorating our new house. My Favorite room is definitely the family room. Probably because it’s all new décor. I did the whole thing for right around $500 bucks. Pretty good if you ask me. My vision was functional, rustic elegance. Functional in that I had to have storage and space for toys and play, while still keeping the room nice and elegant. I feel like I succeeded.
I got the wall art Here through Janey Mac. I Love it.
Already bracing myself for the day one of my boys takes a marker or dirty hands to my chair. Everyday it stays clean I am grateful.
The bins are filled with toys and games. Organized and functional.
Got this rocking chair for free and painted it Gray. Sawyer loves to sit in it.Remember this Desk? Still so proud of myself.
Front Hall EntranceMain Floor Bathroom
Upstairs tour is forthcoming. Come visit us and see it all in person!
LOVE!!!!! Good job girl! You don't know how it pains me to see that deck/backyard out the window and all of the space you have!! Some of us will be in an apartment forever :) Love you and love your darling house... Wish I could come over right now! xoxo
Very CUTE! I am happy that you are enjoying your new home!
Love everything!!! You are amazing. Love your colors and style. I want to see it in person!
LOVE!!! I especially like that dinning room rug- I don't think I had ever seen that before. I also like the photos you have in your front entry, love the boys at the beach and them all bundled on your lap. Love the statement chair and the desk corner of the family room. The lighting and appliances look so nice too!
Ahhh. i want to come visit it and see it all in person! i love it!!! you're amazing! I should pay you to decorate my house and all houses in my future...are you up for hire? p.s. i finally gave in and watched pbs all by myself the other morning....i miss watchin your boys and watching pbs. i think super why is the one i miss the most :)
love it cheryl. you did great! i'm obsessed with your chair i hope it always stays clean too. and i'm so happy that rocking chair is getting some good use...you can thank the seacrests...haha. miss you!
Really cute! I just redid my living room in that blue color and lime green. I love that blue chair!!
What a BEAUTIFUL house!! You did such a great job! The day that I actually live in a house will you come decorate it for me?! Love ya!
I can't believe you live in that great, big single family house! Such an upgrade.
Great job! Love the wall decals. Fun way to change a room. Love the chair. Maybe 2 miracles will happen and both (total 3) of our chairs will stay perfect? Love all your blue bins. Great organization. Oh that gold Ryan face! I forget about that...
Love the big window doors and pretty flowers! Where did those come from? Your desk and desk chair are great. And that cute little rocker is fabulous! What color was it originally?
Your kitchen looks so big and clean! I'm w/ Lisa... new dining rug?
Can't believe you already have the beach picture framed. Fast work sister!
Can't wait to come visit!
Love the new place. You've done such a good job accessorizing too. Great desk chair. See you kept the canvas...good choice. It looks so bright and clean and fresh. I hope someday I can come visit.
5ofsauGoal-functional rustic elegance- MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Everything looks so great. I love how the trees turned out. I am glad you pushed ahead with that vision. The canvas over the desk is beautiful. I forgot you ordered the kids table, its looks good in the kitchen. I vote you go back to Pier 1 and get the blue velvet chair pad, sorry the IKEA one didn't work. The desk is probably my favorite thing in the room, probably because we "gave birth" to it. I am looking forward to house tour part 2!
Why did my access code show up in my message? Computers and I struggle........UGH! Not to mention that I had to try at least 2 dozen times for the computer to accept that fact the I am not a robot!!!!!!
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